My environment involves going to work and coming home to take care of my family. Where I work helps people on a daily basis. I help people maintain their bills and provide information to the many services available to help those that struggle to pay their bills. The benefit of this is seeing people struggle and not wanting to be in that position myself.
I have a support group, my family. It is important to them that I am happy and becoming an early educator is something that they know I love doing. They know my passion. They are very supportive of what I do and are always encouraging me and asking how things are going with school. My colleagues support my endeavors too. With them encouraging me to reach out and reach up it motivate me to go the extra mile.
My only difficulty is being able to afford my education and trying to keep bread on the table. I’m sure many of us have faced this challenge. I just continue putting God first and asking for continues blessing in everything I do. My life would be very difficult without my God and my family. I continue to pray and do my best. The passion I have inside of me won’t let me quit.
I cannot imaging where I would be without my supports, and you know something,I don't want to know.